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Live subscriber count

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YouTube channelCurrently has
YouTube Subscribers
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Live subscriber count

The "Live subscriber count" block displays the accumulated amount of YouTube subscribers the current active channel has in realtime.

The data originates from the YouTube API and updates every second.

Feel free to try our fullscreen view by clicking the fullscreen icon if you are mainly interested in this statistic!

Total YouTube views

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Total YouTube views

The "Total YouTube views" block displays the accumulated amount of YouTube video views the current active channel has published.

The data originates from the YouTube's API and does not update in realtime because this statistic is only updated once a day by YouTube.

Total YouTube videos

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Total YouTube videos

The "Total YouTube videos" block displays the accumulated amount of YouTube videos the current active channel has published. Hidden and private video's are also included in this count.

The data originates from the YouTube's API and does not update in realtime because this statistic is only updated once a day by YouTube.

Live subscriber chart

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Live subscriber chart

The "Live subscriber chart" block displays the accumulated amount of YouTube subscribers the current active channel has since you loaded the page as a live chart.

The data originates from the YouTube API and updates every second.

The chart starts removing the first drawn point after a total of 900 total drawn points is reached. We do this to prevent your browser from crashing after leaving this website open for 12 hours.

Use the reset function or reload the page if the chart starts off with the wrong count.

Feel free to try our fullscreen view by clicking the fullscreen icon if you are mainly interested in this statistic!

Video statistics

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There was no video data found for YouTube channel in our databases.

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Video statistics

The "Video statistics" block offers the possibility to track YouTube video related statistics.

Feel free to watch some videos while you're here!

The data originates from the YouTube API and is updated every minute. This does not necessarily mean that the data will be different, because YouTube only updates video related statistics every 1-5 minutes.

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You are one click away from potentially getting your YouTube channel discovered by 10.000's of daily YouTube enthusiasts from around the globe.

YouTube Subscriber Counter

YouTube Subscriber Counter (YTSC) is the best free tool for YouTube creators, YouTube fans and companies to track realtime YouTube channel analytics.

We collect and enrich realtime data from multiple API's to provide an interactive dashboard with the most relevant YouTube channel related statistics.

Our goal is to be the best free YouTube analytics tool. That's why we constantly work on making our tool better. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, complaints or feature requests!

[email protected]

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